Sunday, August 5, 2007

Documents Presented to County Commissioners Available

Lowe’s Development Materials from County Commissioners’ Meeting

The developers presented their rezoning request at the July 9th County Commissioners meeting. The materials available to the commissioners ran to twenty pages. We have extracted that material from the meeting agenda, and have it available as a pdf file. If you’d like to read through this material, please email me directly at and I’ll attach a copy to a return e-mail. You’ll need Adobe Acrobat to open the pdf file.

Thanks for your interest.


Anonymous said...

While the posts so far seem to address only multiple access points for the development, the first fundamental problem that must be addressed is the Market Street/HWY 17 artery. The I-140 - - HWY 117 interchance is seriously flawed and is even currently hampering the traffic flow at the Porters Neck intersection. The transitions from 2 lanes to single lane travel on HWY 17 must be fixed. Traffic flow is just like water flow. There has to be pipees and valves in and out of the Porters Neck intersection and the valve has to open and close. To avoid unnecessary back-ups and traffic confusion the road area for flow in and out of the intersection must be capable of handling the volume. The single notrh bound HWY 17 lane is in no way capable of supporting proper traffic management at the Porters Neck intersection. This problem has to be solved first. The second problem to be addressed is that some of the traffic flow has to be moved away from the Porters Neck intersection - probably moving it south a significant distance to a new controlled location just south of the current medical facility. This would allow for some untangling and staging of traffic flow that does not currently exist in the complex, overburdened Porters Neck intersection area.

David Bauereis said...

Mr. Vaughan is absolutely right. Having Market Street go from two lanes to one above Porters Neck Road was short-sighted. But, is it feasible for the County Commissioners to put the onus for very expensive U.S. highway improvements on a developer? I don't know the answer to that.

His second point is right on! The proper and best way to get additional access to this site is to loop a road through the back 50 acres parallel to Market Street and behind the apartment complex, coming out to Market Street in the vicinity of MEDAC. The joint venture developers would either have to purchase additional land to do this, or work a deal with existing land owners -- essentially, bring them into the joint venture. Some property may need rezoning from residential to B-1 commercial to accomplish this task. To do this would of course be expensive and time consuming. In the long run, this would open up the entire parcel and make it much more valuable to the owners/developers and make the site a much better regional shopping center site. This is the best answer.

We are in the process of researching who owns the parcels which would need to be brought inot the package. Watch this blog for additional posts on traffic data and possible solutions to the access problem.

Thank you for your interest in this matter.